Our Chicago face painters can create nearly any design imaginable for your guests - children, teens or adults. When your guest looks at themself in the mirror, you want a huge smile to come to their face. And, that is exactly what our face painters provide.
Our Chicago face painters put smiles on faces, guaranteed. And, you can expect your Chicago face painter to show up in appropriate attire, with a smile on their face, plenty of patience, superior talent, and ready to bring joy to you and your guests.
We hired Val for my daughter's 1st birthday party. She's just wonderful and we love her work so much. In the past I regret hiring other lower-priced face painters who didn't know how to paint well. And, worst of all they do not know how to interact with the kids. For me, it's very important to keep in mind how a face painter relates to the children. She's friendly, funny, clever, professional to work with, fast and incredibly talented.
We love our experience with her and everyone else at the party did too. She's amazing and we love her very much.
Jehane D.
CREATIVITY, passion and great rapport with kids and grown-ups alike. Interactions are almost magical to watch. All the hallmarks of a true artisan and professional.
Armand B.
Best Chicago face painting at your location or ours.
Your Chicago face painter can come to YOUR location; or, you can host an ALL-INCLUSIVE party at our Chicago location. We provide a super fun party. And, you will be worry and headache free.
In addition to the best Chicago face painting, you get your own private party space, tables, chairs, linens, and a high energy interactive DJ/party host to direct games, activities and dances for the kids AND the adults. And, the setup and cleanup are on us. Cool, huh?